Tuesday, November 23, 2004
It occurred to me that once again I have not been drinking enough water. I am a diehard soda drinker, but I'd gotten used to water for a while. I haven't had any in a long time, though, so today I bought a one-liter bottle of bottled water at the snack bar. I'm finding it a real drag to force down. I polished off a 20-ounce bottle of soda in no time flat this morning, but now I'm only about a third of the way through this bottle of water. I've heard all the tips and tricks before, so I know how to make my water more enjoyable, but I still don't like drinking it. I actually rather enjoy mixing in a packet of Splenda, but I'm trying to make myself drink plain water. I quit biting my nails cold turkey five years ago and I haven't bitten them since, so I'm just trying to make the jump. (Doing fancy things to water is too much hassle, too. I like just buying the bottle and drinking right from it.)
Today I had some potatoes for lunch, with a small salad. I probably should have just gotten a big salad instead, but I was really hungry for those cooked potato wedges. They're not fried, but they're not just steamed...there's some kind of oil on them. Boston Market makes something similar, but theirs are cooked even more than these were. I wish the salad bar here at work was fully stocked - they only have carrots once in a great while, and they take away my sunflower seeds for a few weeks at a time.
I'm not thinking about exercise too much right now; that will come later. For the moment my focus is on drinking more water and eating mostly appropriately. I already had an apple as dessert with lunch, but I might get a Carborite cookie later in the afternoon. I'm not on a low-carb diet but it is significantly reduced in calories - only two WW points for the whole cookie.
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Meredith Peruzzi
November 2004
December 2004
