Wednesday, December 08, 2004
I had some of the cookies last night. I know they were high in points but I don't know how high, and that's where I run into the problem. If I assume that I used up almost all of my flexpoints for the week, then I should only eat 22 points per day for the rest of the week. But if I didn't use them all up, then I won't eat enough for the week, and my body will be in starvation mode and I won't lose any weight. I can stay under 22 points on any given day; I mostly use my flexpoints for extra treats...but I don't know what extra treats I'll encounter the rest of this week.
1 Comments: (please leave your name in the comment if you are commenting without a Blogger account)
is that weight watchers? atkins?
-- ladi_lavinder

Meredith Peruzzi
November 2004
December 2004
