Wednesday, December 01, 2004
I eat too damn fast. I can wolf down a salad pretty quickly. Ditto for just about everything else. Even when I am at the computer and therefore distracted, I eat my meal quickly. When I'm eating with a co-worker, I eat quickly. Reading the newspaper...I eat quickly. I think I probably even eat quickly when I'm out at a restaurant. I know it's bad for me, but I don't know why and I don't know how to slow down.
1 Comments: (please leave your name in the comment if you are commenting without a Blogger account)
A few suggestions.
Drink lots of water. A 1/2 glass of water before eating and a 1/2 mid way through. Eats soup if you can.
Don't do anything else while you eat, except maybe talk with your meal companion.
Listen to slow music while you eat, classical maybe.
Chew your food a lot, put you fork down between bites. Sip your water. Eat mindfully, try and really taste your food, feel the different textures on your tongue. Practice eating things that take a long time to eat like pomegranates.
hth Noor

Meredith Peruzzi
November 2004
December 2004
